Directed by Gibson Frazier
Continental Pictures 2009
My job was to color correct the film. Some of the exterior shots were accidentally overexposed posing especially difficult challenges. Some required moving mattes. Some scenes were significantly “relit” to focus the viewer’s eye. We decided to use a sort of washed out and desaturated look throughout because there wasn’t a lot of color to work with. We used Apple’s Color for all the work.
After color correcting we discovered that the film had been edited in 60p–not slow motion, but somehow 24p converted to 30i with each field a full progressive frame. Note the timecode below! This required going through the entire project and making sure edits occurred at points of the frame pattern where a cut would have been possible had it been edited in 24p so that the conversion to 24p for DVD wouldn’t have temporal errors. It was an all-nighter!
The above is an extreme example. The original had a lot of clipped material. So we settled on a skin tone color for the blown out areas and then chose to focus on the woman by defocusing everyone else.
Another exterior that was badly washed out. We managed to bring it back to looking pretty good!
Below, a gallery of other examples.