Directed by David Gerrold / Pickups Directed by Vic Mignogna and Chris Hart RFS Studios / Cawley Entertainment Company I shot a couple weeks of pickups that were directed by...
Written and Directed by Greg Ivan Smith HD / 7 minutes Awards: Best Picture, Best Cinematography (Vermont 48-Hour Film Slam) This film was made in 48 hours–writing, shooting, and editing–start...
Written & Directed by Greg Ivan Smith Shot on location at the Middlesex School, Concord, MA Run Time: 18 minutes A short suspense about the disappearance of a college student.
Written by Matt Bucy and Richard Ballon (based on a monologue by Richard Ballon) Directed by Richard Ballon Starring Gabriel Vaughan and Ryan Munzert Running Time: 8 minutes The Trailer:
Directed by Fred Olen Ray / Starring Gil Gerard, Erin Grey, Bobby Quinn Rice RFS Studios / Cawley Entertainment Company I was camera operator on this shoot. This was shot with...