Written and Directed by Matt Bucy and Jon Appleton Shot on location in White River Junction, Vermont and Moscow, Russia SD NTSC / 22 minutes This short is a continuation...
Directed by Matt Bucy and Roger McKeever Produced by Unwatchable Films SD NTSC / 60 Minutes This was shot for a local experimental cable program. I love the look of...
Written & Directed by Matt Bucy Cinematography Roger McKeever Unwatchable Films SD NTSC / Letterbox We made this film after dinner one night. The idea was to make a one-minute...
Camera, Direction and Editing by Matt Bucy This short documentary chronicles twelve hours of a Mardi Gras day in New Orleans, 2003. I mounted a fake “Mitchell” camera on a...
Directed by Matt Bucy 2000 / SD NTSC, Super-8mm, 16mm /5 minutes I did this piece combining video I shot in Tokyo, 16mm black and white footage from my great...
A three-part comedy by Jon Appleton and Matt Bucy SD NTSC / 28 minutes / Hi-8 and DV Boris Budsdarovia, Misha Nijinsky and Olga Pertsofka–all Russian émigrés working in White River...